Week 7 update
Today, I will be happier than a toddler with a plate of calamari!
Ya'll, she ate 2/3 of the plate.
How's everyone's week treating them? Here's my update:
- Close my red ring (Non-Apple users, this tracks your overall movement through the day) 80 out of 90 days: 42/90. I closed my red ring six days this last week, every day except Tuesday. On Tuesday I spent pretty much the whole day working on homework so was at my desk all day.
- Join a gym or workout club—We did it! My aunt and I joined today. We're working mostly on forming good habits for now.
- Update this blog once a week all quarter: Now 7/13.
- Complete my Project Manager Professional (PMP) certificate by the end of Q2, starting in Q1: Still working to get registered. Getting frustrated as I cannot reach anyone to help move this forward. Think I may be giving up on this one. No one is getting back to me. Officially abandoning the first school and will begin looking into another. Can't find another one that's not a fortune so this is on hold.
- Read for 30 minutes 80/90 days: 42. Still mainly blogs but I read this in one day, very very good:
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