Week 5, where are we at?
The fundraiser for Lauren's school last night was a success. It was a lot of fun and a lot of people. And a lot of activity!
(Wow, I was busy)
So, how was the week for everyone? Any progress on goals? Here's where I'm at:
- Close my red ring (Non-Apple users, this tracks your overall movement through the day) 80 out of 90 days: 31/90. I closed my red ring all seven days last week, and absolutely killed it yesterday as you can see above.
- Join a gym or workout club—I have been given a recommendation. My aunt and I are also exploring the possibility of joining one together. After crab feed, my aunt and I will check out the different options using free trials! Now that crab feed is over, we will research our options once she's shaken her bad cold.
- Update this blog once a week all quarter: Now 5/13.
- Complete my Project Manager Professional (PMP) certificate by the end of Q2, starting in Q1: Still working to get registered. Getting frustrated as I cannot reach anyone to help move this forward. Think I may be giving up on this one. No one is getting back to me. Officially abandoning the first school and will begin looking into another.
- Read for 30 minutes 80/90 days: 26/90. I'm struggling with this as currently, my school and volunteer workload is high. This should become easier after a big fundraising event happens on 2/1. As mentioned, most of the reading was of blogs. But that's reading with intention! I'm back to the living! Now that fundraising is done for a while, I found myself with the mental space to read today!
- Deal with some personal investing stuff: DONE
Anyone have any progress to share?
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