Week 8 update
We're about 2/3 of the way through the quarter! How is everyone doing with their goals? Anything particularly challenging?
Here was my last week:
- Close my red ring (Non-Apple users, this tracks your overall movement through the day) 80 out of 90 days: 48/90. I closed my red ring six days this last week, every day except Saturday. I had a very busy week so allowed myself to relax and take it easy. On Wednesday, I closed all three rings as I spent about 5 hours at my eldest's school to help with picture day.
- Join a gym or workout club—We've gone twice now! Last week was insane for me so we didn't make it more often. We went today and then ran all over a local festival. We've planned the gym for Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
- Update this blog once a week all quarter: Now 8/13.
- Complete my Project Manager Professional (PMP) certificate by the end of Q2, starting in Q1: Still working to get registered. Getting frustrated as I cannot reach anyone to help move this forward. Think I may be giving up on this one. No one is getting back to me. Officially abandoning the first school and will begin looking into another. Can't find another one that's not a fortune so this is on hold.
- Read for 30 minutes 80/90 days: 49. Still mainly blogs but I'm thoroughly enjoying this one:
- Also, I've started another goal. I debated whether to share this, but in the interest of transparency here we are. I've been struggling for a couple of years with driving. One day I could drive anything and anywhere and the next, I could not. Lately I've been able to get around town but stoplights are still an anathema for me, activating my fight or flight mode. I worked with my therapist on Thursday and we came up with a plan: if I can drive through five stoplights, I get my favorite chocolate shake. So, the goal of get through five stoplights: 5/5. Accomplished. I just did the last one tonight. After school on Tuesday, Lauren and I will go get a shake!
I hope everyone succeeds at their goals this week. Even if you don't, that's ok. Next week is another opportunity!
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