Week 4 update, still at it!
Another week gone! 2025 is moving fast. This week, instead of spending time reading books, I read blogs. I needed to not have life be so serious. It's been busy! We had a speech assessment for Ashley. She currently receives services, but when they turn 3, the school district takes over.
(These are the sounds that kids should know by age 3)
Coming up this weekend, we have a crab feed fundraiser for Lauren's school which I am involved in. It's going to be fun but honestly, I'm ready for the break after it's all done.
Onto goals! This week's progress:
- Close my red ring (Non-Apple users, this tracks your overall movement through the day) 80 out of 90 days: 24/90, up 6 from last week. I gave myself a pass yesterday as we were down one child and I just needed to relax.
- Join a gym or workout club—I have been given a recommendation. My aunt and I are also exploring the possibility of joining one together. After crab feed, my aunt and I will check out the different options using free trials!
- Update this blog once a week all quarter: Now 4/13.
- Complete my Project Manager Professional (PMP) certificate by the end of Q2, starting in Q1: Still working to get registered. Getting frustrated as I cannot reach anyone to help move this forward. Think I may be giving up on this one. No one is getting back to me.
- Read for 30 minutes 80/90 days: 19/90. I'm struggling with this as currently, my school and volunteer workload is high. This should become easier after a big fundraising event happens on 2/1. As mentioned, most of the reading was of blogs. But that's reading with intention!
- Deal with some personal investing stuff: DONE
Up next, fundraising stuff all week but I am hitting the library tomorrow! A book I requested via Link+ has come in from another county and is waiting for me.
Did anyone accomplish their goals this week?
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